Girl Scouts Sun Safety Patch
To apply: Create an account (register) or login, then click 'apply now' and fill out the form to request use of the curriculum.
Girl Scout councils across America are offering the Sun Safety Patch to scouts of all ages. Scouts are learning the importance of sun safety and skin cancer prevention. Additionally, they are building self-esteem and realizing that they can be comfortable in their own, perfect skin. There are three versions of the curriculum, designed specifically for Daisies/Brownies, Juniors/Cadettes, and Seniors/Ambassadors. While the curriculum and patch designs are free to councils, the individual councils are responsible for ordering patches from an approved vendor and providing them to their scouts upon completion of the patch program. The free patch designs are available to download.
This program is also available to councils interested in offering sun safety education in a camp setting. Scouts may participate in age-appropriate group activities as they learn about sun safety and skin cancer prevention.
If you are interested in using this program, please apply above. Have questions? Contact [email protected].